Rosh Hashana 2022 / רֹאשׁ הַשָּׁנָה 5783

Rosh Hashana for Hebrew Year 5783 began on Sunday, 25 September 2022 and ends at nightfall on Tuesday, 27 September 2022.

Dates for Rosh Hashana

Holiday                                  Starts                       Ends                              Hebrew Dates

Rosh Hashana 2019 Sunday, September 29 Tuesday, October 1 1-2 Tishrei 5780

Rosh Hashana 2020 Friday, September 18 Sunday, September 20 1-2 Tishrei 5781

Rosh Hashana 2021 Monday, September 6 Wednesday, September 8 1-2 Tishrei 5782

Rosh Hashana 2022 Sunday, September 25 Tuesday, September 27 1-2 Tishrei 5783

Rosh Hashana 2023 Friday, September 15 Sunday, September 17 1-2 Tishrei 5784

Rosh Hashana 2024 Wednesday, October 2 Friday, October 4 1-2 Tishrei 5785

Rosh Hashana 2025 Monday, September 22 Wednesday, September 24 1-2 Tishrei 5786

Rosh Hashana 2026 Friday, September 11 Sunday, September 13 1-2 Tishrei 5787

Retrieved September 27,2022 from Rosh Hashana 2022 - The Jewish New Year - ראש השנה - Hebcal



The Book of Enoch Index (

The Book of Jasher (


Davis, J.D. & Gehman, H.S. (1944), The Westminster Dictionary of the Bible, The Westminster Press Philadelphia.

Hebrew – Greek Key Word Study Bible, Key insights into God’s Word, King James Version, 2nd Revised Edition, AMG  Publishers ISBN 978-0-89957-745-6

Strong’s Comprehensive Concordance of the Bible, Word Bible Publishers, Inc, Iowa Falls, Iowa, ISBN 0-529-06334-4 

Weisz, Rabbi Tuly (2018). The Israel Bible, Menorah Books, ISBN 978-1-940516-80-6



  1. THE TORAH, A MODERN COMMENTARY, Edited by W.G. Plaut and Bernard J. Bamberger. 1981.


  1. TANAKH’ THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, The Jewish Publication Society, copy right 1985.


  1. The Companion Bible, authorized version of the 1611, published in 1990 by Kregel, Inc. 


  1. Toffler, A. (1980). The Third Wave, William Morrow and  Company, Inc.                


  1. Davies, N. (1996). Europe, Oxford University Press


  1. Strongs Comprehensive Concordance of the Bible


  1. The Westminster Dictionary of the Bible, by John D. Davis, copyright 1898, 1903, 1911, 1924, by The Westminster Press.


  1. Revised Edition Smith’s Bible Dictionary, by Holman Bible Publishers


  1. A Guide To The Ancient World, copyright 1986, by Michael Grant  Publications Ltd.


  1. The Random House College Dictionary, 1975.


  1. Capt, E. R. (1971). The Great Pyramid Decoded, with an introduction to Pyramidology.


  1. Tracing Our Ancestors, by Frederick Haberman


  1. Show Me GOD, What the Message from Space Is Telling Us About God.

       By Fred Heeren. copy right 1995.


  1. Human Anatomy and Physiology, by King and Showers, copy right 1969)


  1. Biology of Animals, by Cleveland P. Hickman and Cleveland P. Hickman Jr., copy right 1972  


  1. The Interlinear KJV-NIV, Parallel New Testament in Greek and English, by       Alfred Marshall, copy right 1975.


  1. A History of Israel, by Howard M. Sachar, 1991.


  1. Skywatch ‘98, Your guide to stargazing and space exploration. Display until Feb. 23,1998. From Sky and Telescope. The Essential Magazine of Astronomy.


  1. The Dead Sea Scrolls After Forty Years, by Shanks, Vanderkam, McCarter Jr., and Sanders, Published1992.


  1. Mythology, Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes, by Edith Hamilton, Copy right 1940.


  1. The Dead Sea Scrolls Uncovered, by Robert Eisenman and Michael Wise, copy right 1994.


  1. Jewish Legends, by David Goldstein, copyright 1996.


  1. The Jewish Holidays, by Michael Strassfeild, copyright 1985.


  1. The Complete Dead Sea Scrolls in English, by Geza Vermes, copy right 1997.


  1. Zimmerman, M. (2009, Spring). Why evolution is the organizing principle for biology, Phi Kappa Phi Forum.


  1. Lisle, J. & Purdon, G. (2009, Spring). Morality and the irrationality of an evolutionary worldview, Phi Kappa Phi Forum.


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  1. The Reluctant Messenger, The book of Enoch chapters 1-60, retrieved 3/10/2009 from


  1. Searches for Noah’s Ark, retrieved 7/1/2009 from


  1. Boje, D. (2005). Leadership is theatre, Las Cruces, NM, Tamaraland.


  1. Trinity Southwest University, Albuquerque, NM retrieved on 06/10/09 from


  1., Bible Atlas retrieved 07/05/09 from


  1. The Officer’s Guide for the United States Army Officer, 38th edition (1975), Harrisburg, Pa., Stackpole Books.


  1. The Exodus Revealed, Search for the Red Sea Crossing, by Questar, Inc. Chicago, Il.


  1. Moller, L. (2002). The exodus Case, new discoveries confirm the historical exodus, Copenhagen NV, Denmark, Scandinavia Publishing House.


  1. Caldwell, P. (2008). The God of the Mountain, the true story behind the discoveries at the real mount Sinai, Alachua, Fl, Bridge-Logos.


  1. Keller, W. (1964). The Bible as history in pictures, New York, NY, Dumont Press.


  1. Amenta, A. & De Luca, A. (2007). The treasures of Tutankhamun and the Egyptian Museum of Cairo, White Star S.p.A., VMB Publishers.


  1. Vallowe, E. (1998). Biblical Mathematics, Key to scripture numeric, Columbia, SC., The Olive Press.


  1. Atlas of the Bible, (1981). Pleasantville, NY, The Reader’s Digest Association, Inc.


  1. Rives, Richard (2009). Time is the ally of deceit, Lewisburg, TN, Partakers Publications.


  1. Harper, C. & Leicht, K. (2007). Exploring Social Change, America and the world. (5th edition) New Jersey, Pearson Prentice Hall.


  1. Jahser (2009). The book of Jasher. Anonym, Scotts Valley, CA.


  1. The Holy Bible 1611 Edition, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN.


  1. 1599 Geneva Bible, Patriot’s Edition (2010), Tolle Lege Press, White Hall, WV.


  1. Kunzig, Robert (July 1, 2000), The Glue That Holds the World Together, Discover Science for the Curious, Retrieved June 30, 2018, from


  1. The Invisible Universe, Physicmatt, retrieved June 30, 2018, from


  1. The Expanding Universe, Sloan Digital Sky Survey Sky Server, Retrieved June 30, 2018 from


  1. How many dimensions are there in our universe? Quora, retrieved June 30, 2018 from
  2. Matter is made of particles and particles are vibrations of a field. So what are fields? Is it something that just is and is itself an uncaused thing?, Quora, retrieved on June 30, 2018 from


  1. Universe, Dark Energy, Dark Matter, NASA Science Beta, retrieved on July 1, 2018 from


  1. Mc Lamb, Eric, (September 10, 2011), Earth’s Beginnings, the Origin of Life, Ecology, Retrieved on July 1, 2018 from


  1. Creation Museum, Retrieved July 1, 2018 from


  1. The Septuagint, 1851 Translation by Sir Lancelot C. L. Brenton, The Researchers Library of Ancient Texts, Volume 3, 2012 version published by Thomas Horn, Crane, MO 65633


  1. Hans Lenny, Sacred Souond Tools,(1967)

Retrieved on September 24, 2018, from